12 events found.
Worship Service
Victory Family Church 398 Fallon Pkwy, Dardenne Prairie, MO, United States“WOW” Bible Study on Zoom
Victory Family Church 398 Fallon Pkwy, Dardenne Prairie, MO, United StatesJoin Us on Zoomhttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/84258650589?pwd=K1lxbnpsSG1oOW10Qk50b21XZS8vZz09
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86414393430?pwd=MVBPdEJWZ1hGbGltR1BZNlNyQXBPUT09Join us on Saturday, January 9th for a time of male fellowship and prayer. Feel free to enjoy your breakfast while we fellowship. We are asking that each brother bring...